
The Image Understanding Architecture is a three level computer designed for image understanding tasks. The bottom level is a massively parallel SIMD grid of bit-serial processors referred to collectively as the Content Addressable Array Parallel Processor CAAPP. The intermediate level is a MIMD grid of powerful processors referred to collectively as the Intermediate Communications Array Processor ICAP. At the top level is the Symbolic Processor Array SPA consisting of one or more powerful independent computers. Controlling the CAAPP and coordinating between the other levels is the Array Control Unit (ACU). All levels of the machine communicate by using memory shared between the levels and other means.

By definition, the individual processor elements PE in a SIMD computer all execute the same instruction at the same time. The ACU generates these instructions and sends them to each CAAPP PE simultaneously. Each PE has its own private memory (in CISM) that it uses to supply the data required by the instructions it is executing.

The PE are arranged in a two dimensional grid (1). We refer to the individual PEs by their row and column indexes as shown below.

PE((0,0)) PE((0,1)) PE((0,2)) PE((0,3)) PE((0,4))

PE((1,0)) PE((1,1)) PE((1,2)) PE((1,3)) PE((1,4))

PE((2,0)) PE((2,1)) PE((2,2)) PE((2,3)) PE((2,4))

PE((3,0)) PE((3,1)) PE((3,2)) PE((3,3)) PE((3,4))

PE((4,0)) PE((4,1)) PE((4,2)) PE((4,3)) PE((4,4))

The Class Library for the IUA (2) is used to create programs to run on the Array Control Unit (ACU) and control the PE grid (CAAPP). The ICL allows you to consider the PE grid to be just about any size and maps your program to the actual size of the physical machine (3). Above we have a five by five grid. Most problems in image understanding require images of 128 by 128, 256 by 256, 480 by 512, and so on.

We map the images to the CAAPP grid so that each PE will access and operate on one pixel of the image. This allows us to process each pixel in an image in parallel.


The mapping is defined by a structure called a plane. A plane contains a two dimensional grid of data elements with an implied mapping of one data element to one PE (4). A plane has a size which is represented as a two element structure containing the number of rows and columns in the plane. A plane also has a type that describes the values that each data element in the plane may assume.

The ICL implements planes as its basic data type using the class facility of C++. This tutorial assumes you are familiar with C++, its syntax and its semantics. The ICL furnishes methods for operating on planes, maps the planes to the physical hardware, and generates the instructions that are sent to the CAAPP.

There are seven different types of planes -- each one with an analog to a standard C++ data type.

Type        Analog(5)        Min Value    Max Value    Bits
BitPlane    unsigned char         0            1          8
CharPlane   signed char        -128          127          8
UCharPlane  unsigned char         0          255          8
ShortPlane  short            -32768        32767         16
UShortPlane unsigned short        0        65535         16
IntPlane    int               -2^31       2^31-1         32
FloatPlane  float            -10^38        10^38         32
Because the PEs are bit serial devices, operations are actually performed using only the number of bits required to represent the range of values given above. Therefore, while you are generally able to ignore the types of integer scalars in C++, you must always be aware of the types of planes.

A plane variable is declared like other variables and follows the same lifetime and scoping rules as other C++ variables. When you declare a plane you must also specify the number of rows and columns that it will have.

    CharPlane image1(128,340);
    IntPlane      sums(200,300);
The variable image1 is declared to be a plane with 128 rows and 340 columns while the variable sums is declared to be a plane with 200 rows and 300 columns.
    UShortPlane indexes(64,64)[5];
The variable indexes is declared to be an array of 5 planes with each plane having 64 rows and 64 columns. In this example, each PE would hold one element from each of the five planes of indexes.
It is not possible to declare an initial value for a plane(6). Once a plane has been declared, it is not possible to change its size or type. The type and size information is used at compile time when possible.

Plane Size

For convenience, the ICL defines a class called PlaneSize which may be used to define plane sizes independently of any plane. A variable of this class may then be used to define other planes. A PlaneSize variable may be defined using two integers or a plane to specify the size. It is a simple structure containing the two integers that specify a number of rows and columns.
    PlaneSize    ps(34,56);
    BitPlane    overflow(ps);
    PlaneSize    overflow_size(overflow);
In the above example, the BitPlane overflow is defined to have 34 rows and 56 columns. overflow_size has the same size as ps.
In the remaining chapters, we will always specify a size when we define a plane and will use the variable ps when a size is needed but the exact size is not important.
The size of a plane may be obtained using any of the methods shown below.
    unsigned short rows     = sums.RowSize();
    unsigned short cols     = sums.ColSize ();
    PlaneSize imagesize(sums.Size());
A PlaneSize variable, such as imagesize shown above, may be used to define another plane.

The row and column values of a PlaneSize variable may be obtained using the methods RowSize and ColSize.

Important Note

When you declare a plane and specify its size, the ICL may actually create the plane with a larger size than the declared size! The ICL always creates a plane whose number of rows is always an integer multiple of the number of rows of PEs in the physical CAAPP and whose number of columns is always an integer multiple of the number of columns of the physical CAAPP. Therefore, if the physical CAAPP is 64 by 128 and you declare a plane to be 70 by 140, the actual plane will be 128 by 256. In many cases you may ignore that this occurs. However, there are places where the difference between the size you declare and the actual size is noticeable:

  1. The value returned by the RowSize, ColSize, and Size methods, when applied to a plane, always return the actual size and not the size you specified.
  2. When using the mesh communication network in a torus configuration, the size of the torus is always the actual size.
  3. When using the Coterie communication network in a torus configuration, the size of the torus is always the actual size.
  4. If you obtain a count of PEs, some of the PEs that are not in your plane but are in the actual plane may be included.
  5. If you select a subset of the PEs for some operation, you may select some of the additional PEs.
  6. When the size of your plane exceeds the physical size of the CAAPP, all the operations must be performed more than once. For example, if the physical CAAPP is 64 by 32 and the size you specify is 70 by 100, then the actual size is 128 by 128 and each operation must be repeated 2 by 4 or 8 times! This is referred to as tiling and is the way that the virtual CAAPP is implemented.


One of the operations that may be used with planes is the assignment of one plane to another. This assignment is just like the assignment of scalar variables except that all the elements of a plane are moved(7). When considering the operation of assignment, there are three cases that need to be considered.
  1. plane = plane

    Each element of the source is transferred in parallel to the destination. Each element is converted to the type of the destination using the same rules that are applied in scalar to scalar conversion.

        CharPlane x(ps);
        ShortPlane y(ps);
        x = y;
  2. plane = scalar

    The scalar value is sent in parallel to every PE of the destination. The scalar is converted to the type of the destination using the same rules that are applied in scalar to scalar conversion.

        IntPlane z(ps);
        z = 123;
  3. scalar = plane

    This is not allowed and will generate a compiler error.


We have discussed the meaning of the declared size and the actual size of planes. We also have to consider the sizes in relationships between planes. Consider the two planes x and y diagrammed below that have different actual sizes. What happens to the shaded elements of x when y is assigned to x?

The ICL does not permit most operations, including assignment, to be applied to two planes with different actual sizes. They are not compatible. You can test for compatibility with the Compatible method. For example,

    void abc(CharPlane x, CharPlane y)
      if (x.Compatible(y))
The Compatible method returns a one if the two planes are compatible and zero otherwise.

Planes may be passed as arguments to functions just like scalar variables. When declaring the function argument types, do not specify the size of any plane(8). For example, the following function is written so that it may be used with any size of plane as its argument.

    IntPlane simple_ftn(CharPlane x)
      PlaneSize ps(x);
      IntPlane result(ps);
      result = x * 2 + 1;
      return result;

PE Labeling

As was mentioned earlier, each PE has a label which is its row and column indexes. It is frequently useful to access these indexes in some computation. We can create a plane containing these indexes by using the RowIndex, ColIndex, or Index methods. The RowIndex method returns a plane that is the actual size(9) of the plane to which it is applied. Each element in a row of this result contains the same value which is the index of the row. The ColIndex method returns a plane that is the actual size of the plane to which it is applied. Each element in a column of this result contains the same value which is the index of the column.
    PlaneSize       ps(x);
    UShortPlane     row_index(ps);
    UShortPlane     col_index(ps);
    IntPlane        index(ps);

    row_index    = x.RowIndex();
    col_index    = x.ColIndex();
    index        = x.Index();
The Index method returns a plane that is the actual size of the plane to which it is applied. Each element for any PE is the row index of the PE times 2^16 added to the column index of the PE.

Plane IO

A primitive facility is provided, as part of the ICL, for reading and writing files containing planes. The Read method transfers a plane from a file into the IUA. If the size of the plane in the file is larger than the actual size of the plane into which it is read, only the upper left hand corner of the file plane is transferred. If the file plane is smaller, it is transferred into the upper left hand corner of the actual plane and the remainder is left undefined(10). The Write method always transfers the complete plane to a file. The file is specified by a character string which must conform to the rules of the operating system you are using.
    UCharPlane x(64,64);
    x.Read(" my_plane" );
    x.Write(" my_plane_copy" );
The format of the plane file is determined by your organization. You should contact your support personal if you need to know any of the details of this format. Your installation may also supply library routines for transferring images to and from special IO devices.

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  1. We do not use the term array to refer to this two dimensional grid because the concept of an array implies that some operations are available which we do not support on our grids. We also use arrays with their standard meaning.
  2. We will abbreviate Class Library for the IUA as ICL.
  3. There are practical limits that result from the amount of memory available to each PE and the actual number of physical PEs.
  4. When the number of elements in a plane exceeds the number of physical PEs in the CAAPP, more than one element is mapped onto a single PE using a concept of virtual PEs.
  5. For clarity of expression and convenience, the ICL includes typedef definitions for these analogs as the types BitScalar, CharScalar, UCharScalar, ShortScalar, UShortScalar, IntScalar, and FloatScalar.
  6. This results from the definition of C++.
  7. This is referred to as data movement. Data movement is under control of the activity as explained in the chapter on Activity.
  8. Specifying a size will generate a compiler error.
  9. The size is the only information used from the plane.
  10. These rules apply to single dimensions. If one dimension is larger and/or the other is smaller, the image is transferred in a consistent way even though all of it, in some dimension, may not be transferred.