Appendix B: Classes, Methods & Functions


Any type of plane
A scalar value of the same type as the plane
An address of an array


BitPlane    variable;
CharPlane   variable;
CoterieNS   variable(BitPlane north, BitPlane south);
CoterieWENS variable(BitPlane west, BitPlane north, BitPlane east, BitPlane south);
CoterieWE   variable(BitPlane west, BitPlane east);
Everywhere  active;
FloatPlane  variable;
IntPlane    variable;
Select      active(BitPlane);
SelectNot   active(BitPlane);
ShortPlane  variable;
UCharPlane  variable;
UShortPlane variable;

Methods & Functions

scalar              plane.Access(BitPlane select)
BitScalar           BitPlane.Any(void)
BitPlane            plane.Bit(int bit)
BitPlane            BitPlane(plane a)
CharPlane           CharPlane(plane a)
BitScalar           plane.Compatible(plane b)
UShortPlane         plane.ColIndex(void)
UShortScalar        plane.ColSize(void)
UShortScalar        PlaneSize.ColSize()
UIntScalar          BitPlane.Count(void)
void                plane.Display(const char *name,
                        UShortScalar rows = 0, UShortScalar cols = 0)
void               plane.DisplayClose(void)
void               plane.DisplayOv(BitPlane overlay, int overlay)
void               plane.DisplayOv(Select  overlay, int overlay)
void               plane.DisplayOv(SelectNot  overlay, int overlay)
void               plane.DisplayOv(Everywhere overlay, int overlay)
plane              plane.East(void)
BitPlane           plane.EastEdge_p(void)
BitPlane           plane.Edge_p(void)
FloatPlane         FloatPlane(plane a)
void               plane.FromArray(array source,
                       UIntScalar rows, UIntScalar cols)
extern "C" void    ICLDisplaySamples(UIntScalar row,
                       UIntScalar column)
IntPlane           plane.Index(void)
plane              plane.InsertBits(plane.source, UIntScalar length, 
                       UIntScalar to, UIntScalar from)
plane              plane.InsertBits(scalar source,UIntScalar length,
                       UIntScalar to, UIntScalar from)
plane              plane.InsertBits(BitPlane source, UIntScalar to)
IntPlane           IntPlane(plane a)
plane              plane.North(void)
BitPlane           plane.NorthEdge_p(void)
extern "C"  void   Pause(char *message)
void               plane.Read(char *file)
plane              plane.RegionBroadcast(BitPlane Senders)
BitPlane           plane.RegionSelectMax(void)
BitPlane           plane.RegionSelectMax(BitPlane)
BitPlane           plane.RegionSelectMin(void)
BitPlane           plane.RegionSelectMin(BitPlane)
plane              plane.Resize(UShortScalar row_size, 
                       UShortScalar column_size)
plane              plane.Resize(PlaneSize size)
plane              plane.Route(UShortPlane Row_index,
                       UShortPlane Col_index)
plane              plane.RouteAnd(UShortPlane Row_index,
                       UShortPlane Col_index)
plane              plane.RouteOr(UShortPlane Row_index,
                       UShortPlane Col_index)
IntPlane           plane.RoutePlus(UShortPlane Row_index,
                       UShortPlane Col_index)
plane              plane.RouteXor(UShortPlane Row_index,
                       UShortPlane Col_index)
UShortPlane        plane.RowIndex(void)
UShortScalar       plane.RowSize(void)
UShortScalar       PlaneSize.RowSize(void)
void               plane.Sample(char *format)
BitPlane           plane.SelectMax(void)
BitPlane           plane.SelectMax(BitPlane)
BitPlane           plane.SelectMin(void)
BitPlane           plane.SelectMin(BitPlane)
ShortPlane         ShortPlane(plane a)
PlaneSize          plane.Size(void)
plane              plane.South(void)
BitPlane           plane.SouthEdge_p(void)
void               plane.ToArray(array destination, 
                       UIntScalar rows, UIntScalar cols)
UCharPlane         UCharPlane(plane a)
void               plane.Update(void)
UShortPlane        UShortPlane(plane a)
plane              plane.West(void)
BitPlane           plane.WestEdge_p(void)
void               plane.Write(char *file)

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